Here at “What’s Out There”, we recognise that all areas of the organisation are open to scrutiny, be it through OFSTED, who assesses our level of provision against the National Minimum Standards or through the examination of Placing Authorities.
We are committed to a policy of continuous quality improvement, and take a robust approach to quality assurance.
We undertake regular self-evaluation in addition to the Regulation 44 and 45 requirements, including monitoring of supervision and appraisals; records of incidents, accidents, complaints and compliments; young people forums. This ensures the quality of service provided by What’s Out There meets the standards, targets and indicators set locally as well as through regulation. Mechanisms are in place to monitor and evaluate data collection to determine the delivery and outcome of the service we provide. Quality Assurance is reviewed at Senior Management Team meetings and Board Meetings.
What’s Out There is committed to continual improvement and provision of a quality service