On admission to What’s Out There, another part of our focus is to begin the process of a young person’s transition to adulthood. Equipping them with the necessary skills and experience to lead positive, independent and fulfilling lives post care will be considered at the outset. We always start with the end in mind.

The most challenging aspect of working with looked after young people is the development of positive, meaningful relationships underpinned by “good parenting”, which values the young person’s interests and views, sets boundaries and focuses on the young person’s strengths, skills and qualities.

This is a key focus for team members working with the young people, as good, strong relationships built on solid foundations enable the young people to develop their potential to the full and to build individually and collectively, their capacity to participate in the creation of a democratic and socially just society; meeting the challenges which change inevitably brings.

The What’s Out There independence programme offers young people the opportunity to:
Develop personally, socially, educationally and emotionally;
Become empowered to take control of their own lives during their transition to adulthood;
Find effective ways of identifying and overcoming the self-imposed limitations with which they surround themselves.
ASDAN certificates in short courses such as Living Independently can be achieved by young people
At What’s Out There, we take great pride in our ability to break down barriers that some young people have constructed to protect themselves on their journey to us. The result of such positive work has meant many young people who have previously left our care have kept in contact with us, seeking assistance or support on many levels, from financial or practical assistance, such as furnishing accommodation or help with interviews, to basic emotional support.