At What’s Out There, education extends beyond the improvement of academic ability, to the enhancement of the social, communication and problem solving skills that apply to daily life. It is the essential foundation that will equip them with the necessary skills to become successful and independent adults.

Young people are educated via a virtual learning environment, provided by our approved external education partner. This ensures each young person receives education geared to their Key Stage and style of learning that is best suited to their needs. The curriculum is designed to support young people from foundation to AS level with courses in Foundation Learning, GCSEs, BTECs and NOCN Progression Pathways. Brookside is registered to provide ASDAN short courses in subjects young people may choose, as well as independence skills and the like.

What’s Out There promotes outdoor activities and education as part of its Continuous Curriculum. Brookside Farm is surrounded by agricultural land that can be used for camping, forest school and land based studies, as well as all kinds of sports and activities.

Additionally, young people will have opportunities to travel if they wish within the UK or globally to support their formal learning and education, as well as for recreational purposes.

Team members are dedicated to working with young people through experiential learning techniques to recognise personal and social development. Each young person’s achievements, no matter how small, will be celebrated.